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关于博彩网址大全's Catholic, Jesuit Identity

1818年,天主教主教路易·威廉·杜布尔创建了博彩网址大全 first institution of higher learning west of the Mississippi River. 不到十年 later, the Society of Jesus assumed control of the University. 从那以后,天主教徒 和耶稣会的传统指引大学服务于一个更高的目标和 追求更大的利益.


博彩网址大全遵循耶稣会教育全人的传统 -思想,身体和精神-并为学生创造更美好的世界做好准备.

At 博彩网址大全, we encourage asking hard questions 和 looking beyond easy answers. 什么 伦理领导 看起来像是在21世纪? How can we help improve the lives of the incarcerated or underprivileged children in St. 路易? How do we work to end systemic racial inequity?



博彩网址大全 doesn’t just talk the talk — we walk the walk. Our undergraduates are encouraged to take a broad range of classes, 每一个主要 is founded upon a core curriculum that includes theology 和 philosophy. 但无论 在这个主题中,学生学会捍卫自己的观点,并对其加以改进,发展自己的观点 清晰思考,有说服力的辩论和连贯表达自己的技能.

受到耶稣会呼吁为他人做男人和女人的启发,在博彩网址大全,思想变成了行动, 和 serving others is a way of 生活. 超过80个博彩网址大全 courses directly integrate service into academic content. 在课堂之外,学生、教师和工作人员投入了超过1.6 million hours to community service annually.

在课堂内外,在校园和世界各地,博彩网址大全的学生来看看 future as a wondrous opportunity for growth 和 good works.


博彩网址大全,近500年历史的耶稣会传统激发了一切 from the kinds of classes students take to how they spend their free time. 但就 成为“耶稣会士”意味着什么??



耶稣会士是耶稣会的成员,这是一个罗马天主教的宗教秩序 1540年由St. 罗耀拉的依纳爵.

早期,耶稣会士在周游欧洲时以教育闻名 doing missionary work 和 starting schools 和 seminaries. 不到二十年后 they were founded, Jesuits had established 74 colleges on three continents.

今天,全世界有近200所耶稣会高等学府, 包括博彩网址大全. 的 Society of Jesus is the largest male religious 天主教会的教团,在世界各地有近17000名牧师和兄弟. 他们 are teachers as well as pastors, lawyers 和 more. In fact, Pope Francis is a Jesuit 牧师.

近30名耶稣会牧师和弟兄在博彩网址大全生活、教学和传教. 此外,贝拉明学院是耶稣会第一学院仅有的三所学院之一 是一个可容纳25名学者的校内住宿社区 在训练中. Jesuit Hall is home to 牧师s who work on campus, as well as some who have retired from teaching or ministry.

Learn More 关于 the Jesuit Vocations

What is Jesuit Education Known for?

耶稣会的教育需要照顾整个人-思想,身体和精神-并鼓励 students to become well-­rounded people who contribute to the greater good.

受耶稣会“在万物中寻找上帝”的实践的启发,学生们采取了广泛的 以神学和哲学为基础的研究范围 of the Catholic intellectual tradition. 

然后是“the”的概念 魔法师” (more), which leads to excellence in all pursuits. 这与耶稣会的传统有关 学术严谨性,要求学生深入思考,批判性思考和解决问题 problems creatively for the glory of God 和 the service of humanity.

最后,耶稣会教育让学生成为“为他人而生,与他人在一起”的人, 通过寻求正义,为最弱势群体服务,让世界变得更美好 us.

Do 博彩网址大全 学生s Have to Take Religion Classes?

所有本科生都要修一门博彩网址大全特有的课程,叫做“神学基础”.” 这门课程是对犹太教和基督教宗教传统的探索 在3000多年的时间里为塑造世界各地的文化做出了贡献. 连接 在这门课上是否也对其他主要的宗教传统产生了影响.

Do 博彩网址大全 学生s Have to Attend Mass?

No. 虽然天主教学生有足够的机会去做弥撒,但其他学生 are welcome but not obligated to join them. 的 校园部 also 与许多信仰传统的附属牧师一起工作,他们陪伴学生 their spiritual journeys, on 和 off campus.

圣是谁?. 伊格内修斯?

伊尼戈·德·洛约拉(1491—1556)是巴斯克一个忠诚贵族家庭最小的孩子 献给西班牙王室. He spent his early days not as a 牧师 but as a courtier 和 一个士兵. During the battle of Pamplona in 1521, his leg was seriously wounded by 一个炮弹. While he recuperated at his family’s home, he reconsidered his way of 生活. 随后,他在精神上和宗教上都发生了转变,他决定放下自己的工作 sword of war 和 take up what he called the "sword of Christ."

St. 伊格内修斯

After his convalescence, 伊格内修斯 began his new 生活 as a pilgrim. 他停了下来。 town called Manresa, intending to stay for a few days. Instead, he stayed for 10 months, spending hours each day in prayer. This led to the creation of what is now known as “灵修”.” Also during this time, 伊格内修斯 had a vision that led him to seek “to find God in all things.”

他改信宗教后,为了能更多地帮助别人,他又回去了 to school, studying at a variety of different universities. 在大学期间 在巴黎,他结识了一群决定投身于艺术的朋友 greater glory of God 和 “helping souls.” 他们 placed themselves at the service of 教皇会把他们送到世界各地最需要他们的地方. 耶稣会士所到之处,他们的使命始终如一:寻求更伟大的事物 glory of God 和 the good of humanity.

St. 伊格内修斯 was canonized by Pope Gregory XV on March 12, 1622. 他的节日是 celebrated on July 31, the day he died.